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Doctor of Business Administration

The first AACSB-accredited Doctor of Business Administration program in Texas.


The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a rigorous research-based program that will prepare proven business professionals to expand their breadth of knowledge and abilities in leadership, innovation and customer engagement. The 62-credit-hour program has been designed to equip students to apply evidence-based solutions to the challenges presented by the dynamic complexity of the contemporary global economy.

The University of Dallas DBA is designed to prepare individuals to

  • Advance in their current careers through the development of evidence-based tools for improving organizational effectiveness;
  • Move into an academic position in either a full or part-time role;
  • Develop advanced skills in organizational analysis for a variety of management consulting roles.

DBA Program Highlights

  • Named in CEO Magazine's Global DBA List for 2019, 2020, and 2021.
  • Ranked #6 of the Top 50 Best Doctorate in Business Management Degrees 2016 by
  • Rigorous, applied research curriculum.
  • Taught by accomplished scholars with extensive managerial and organizational consulting experience.
  • Comprised of a three-year, 62-credit-hour program.
  • Refined through selective, capped admissions.
  • Collaborate with a cohort of senior-level business executives.
  • Blended classroom and online learning.
  • Designed to accommodate working business professionals.
  • Created to assist students in career development and personal achievement.

What will I learn?

University of Dallas DBA classroomThe University of Dallas DBA is a doctoral program for experienced managers and academics who want to further enhance their business knowledge beyond an MBA or graduate degree. Our DBA program is designed to provide students the chance to bring a rigorous approach to solving existing managerial and organizational problems. The UD DBA provides an opportunity to focus on finding solutions to the challenges of the modern workplace, under the close guidance of scholar-practitioners.

Learn more about DBA courses.

Why a UD DBA?

Strong, principled leadership combined with guidance from dedicated and practiced faculty grants you an experience unparalleled by any other DBA program. As the first and only AACSB-accredited program in Texas, you can be assured that you are receiving a high quality education.

How does a DBA differ from a Ph.D. or MBA?

The DBA and the Ph.D. are both research-based degrees that are designed to acquaint students with the scholarly literature that can be applied in a variety of business situations. The differences between the two degrees can be primarily seen in the scope and depth of the topics covered.

The difference in a professional MBA is also shown in the table below for further reference.






Student Profiles

Executives with significant managerial experience looking to transition to tenure-track teaching or develop skills to advance in leadership or consulting roles.

Professionals pursuing a career in research at an academic institution. 

Individuals looking to enhance their careers in management. 

Career Destination

Academia, executive leadership or consulting.


Industry professional.

Faculty Teaching Options

Full-time, tenure track positions at teaching institutions.

Full-time, tenure track positions at research institutions.

Typically part-time or adjunct positions.

Program Goals

Address significant business challenges using applied research skills and bring this knowledge back into the workplace and classroom.

Theoretical research training to qualify for securing a position as an assistant professor.

Application of existing tools and techniques to prepare for promotion or a career change.

Courses & Research

Research is interdisciplinary and focuses on linking theory to current business problems. Focuses on addressing contemporary business and management issues.

Research is highly specialized, usually by a single, specific discipline. Less attention on connections to business practice.

Practice-based with very little research. Courses focused on industry & leadership.


Students attend classes one weekend a month, with online assignments in between sessions.

Students typically attend class full-time.

Students typically attend part-time.

Time Commitment

3 years; 30-40 hours per week

4-5 years; 60-100 hours per week

2 years; 10-30 hours per week


Ready to Apply at UD?

Our counselors can take you through the application process step-by-step and guide you on your path toward career advancement. We encourage you to give them a call today:


Michael Sarles

Assistant Director
Phone: 972-721-5100

Apply for the Dallas DBA online.


Odette Quote“ My classmates are amazing. We work together, we study together, we share ideas, we collaborate. It's been a real team-building type of experience. ”- Odette Christie, DBA Graduate
